About us

Alex Chenevier, Professor/researcher of strategic renewal, working from Lyon; previously (14 years) sales Director of web 1.0 start-up based in Tokyo and Assistant to Vice-Presidents of financial practice at American operational consultancy in the City of London i.e. Business Development Coordinator at Alexander Proudfoot, part of market-listed MCG (Management Consulting Group PLC).

In 2010, I resumed the benches with Open University (Milton Keynes, UK) and completed a Performance and Change management Diploma. During the later, I discovered the discipline of innovation that became central to all my activities. Subsequently, I have been repetitively associated as Professor of Business Innovation within reputable academic institutions first locally, regionally, internationally and now globally.

Intertwined, I have been acknowledged as independent researcher working, eventually, on the most complex innovation i.e. disruptive innovation (2017), before understanding that « the mother of invention » is in the grammar of Dr Teece’s INDISPENSABLE contributions ref. co-publication (2022) « Innovator dilemma vs. innovator phenomena, the theory of the firm phenomena ».

Recently, my continued efforts to recollect a more solid vision [and I am grateful] gains  the comments and endorsement of Professor Teece, UC Berkeley. It materialises incl. a revised definition of Teece, Pisano, Shuen (1997) : “The firm’s ability to integrate and build, before reconfigure often selectively, sometimes concurrently ,internal and external competences to address rapidly changing environments. (Chenevier, 2024) ».

alex.chenevier at managitech.com